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80 Funny Monday Quotes & Sayings to Brighten Your Week!

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Boost Your Mood with These Humorous Monday Quotes


Are you looking for Monday inspiration?

The beginning of the week might be hard!

Lighthearted quotes can be a great way to inject some positivity and energy into the start of the week.

If you want to boost your mood and find a power to survive the Monday, then you are in the right place!

Monday can be though, especially after the weekend. Let’s make it hilarious!

Indeed, with the help of a little bit humor and positivity you can easily find motivation to make it through the day and start the week with a smile!

Even though it is Monday, you can bring good mood in everything you do today.

Overcome the Monday blues with a dose of humor.

Laugh is contagious, so don’t forget to share the Monday Funday quotes with your friends, colleagues or followers.

Prepare the best caption for your Monday social media post to entertain your followers and gain even more.

It doesn’t matter if you are looking for Instagram, TikTok, or Facebook caption, these funny Monday quotes and sayings will brighten the day of everyone.

With a lit bit humor everything can be so much nicer, even the first working day of the week!

Check out the funny Monday quotes and sayings below to make your day!

Make Your Mondays Fun with Creative Quotes and Sayings

  • “Mondays are like a bad hair day: you just have to deal with it and hope for the best.”
  • “Mondays are the reason why coffee was invented.”
  • “Dear Monday, can you please go bother someone else? I’m too busy enjoying my weekend.”
  • “It’s Monday, but keep smiling.”
  • “I can’t wait for Monday,” said no one ever.
  • “Mondays are like a rollercoaster. You just have to hold on tight and hope for the best.”
  • “Monday Funday: because who said weekends should have all the fun?”
  • “Monday is a day of new beginnings, and new beginnings always start with coffee.”
  • “If Monday had a face, I’d punch it.”
  • “Mondays are like a math problem. Add the irritation, subtract the sleep, multiply the problems, divide the happiness.”
  • “I have a love-hate relationship with Mondays. I love to hate them.”
  • “I prefer happy Friday over happy Monday. “
  • “Monday should be optional.”
  • “Dear Monday, I want to break up. I’m seeing Tuesday and dreaming about Friday. Sincerely, it’s not me, it’s you.”
  • “Mondays are like a hangover without the fun part.”
  • “Mondays are like a horror movie: you know it’s coming, but you’re never quite prepared for it.”
  • “Monday: the day when you have to turn off Netflix and turn on your brain.”
  • “Monday Funday: because life is too short to be taken too seriously.”
  • “Monday: when your alarm clock becomes your worst enemy.”
  •  “I don’t hate Mondays. I just don’t appreciate them interrupting my weekend vibe.”
  • “Mondays are like a bad hair day for your soul.”
  • “Monday: the day when you have to put on pants and pretend to be a responsible adult.”
  • “If each day is a gift, I’d like to know where to return Monday.”
  • “Mondays are the reason why coffee was invented.”
  • “I can’t even imagine how stressed out I’d be without Mondays to keep me in check.”
  • “May your coffee be strong and your Monday be short.”
  • “Monday is great if I can spend it in bed. I’m a man of simple pleasures, really.” – Arthur Darvill
  • “Monday: the day when you realize that your weekend to-do list was a bit too ambitious.”
  • “Monday is the day when even the coffee needs coffee.”
  • “I need a day between Sunday and Monday.”
  • “Mondays: because even the calendar needs a good laugh every now and then.”
  • “Monday: the day when you realize that the weekend was just a dress rehearsal for the real world.”
  • “Monday: the day when your to-do list is longer than your attention span.”
  • “Monday: the day when you realize that you didn’t finish half the things you planned to over the weekend.”
  • “Mondays are like a marathon. You have to pace yourself and keep your eye on the finish line.”
  • “Monday: the day when you have to turn off the snooze button and turn on the hustle.”
  • “Monday: the day when you have to put on your big girl/boy pants and get to work.”
  • “Monday is the day when your brain refuses to wake up, but your boss expects you to.”
  • “Mondays are like a Monday. Need I say more?”
  • “Monday: the day when you realize that the weekend is like a superhero movie – it’s over before you know it.”
  • “Monday: the day when you’re so tired, you feel like you’re walking through quicksand.”
  • “Monday: the only day you have to remind yourself that you’re still alive and the weekend is over.”
  • “Monday: the day when you’re running on caffeine and sarcasm.”
  • “Mondays are a lot like gravity. They’re both annoying, but you just have to deal with it.”
  • “Monday: when you realize that the only thing you accomplished over the weekend was binge-watching Netflix.”
  • “Monday: the day when you have to leave your cozy bubble and face the real world.”
  • “Monday: the day when you have to switch from ‘weekend mode’ to ‘work mode’.”
  • “Monday: the day when you have to swap out your cozy blanket for a suit and tie.”
  • “Monday: the day when you have to trade in your Netflix binges for work deadlines.”
  • “Monday: the day when you’re one coffee away from being a functional human being.”
  • “Monday: the day when you have to take a deep breath and tackle the week like a boss.”
  • “Monday: the day when you have to say goodbye to the weekend and hello to productivity.”
  • “Monday: the day when you have to say goodbye to your bed and hello to the world.”
  • “Mondays are like a spring cleaning for your life. You get to declutter and start fresh.”
  • “Monday: the day when you have to say goodbye to the weekend and hello to reality.”

Start Your Mondays Positive with Inspirational Quotes and Sayings

  • “Mondays are like a plant. You have to water it to see it grow and flourish.”
  • “Monday: the day when you have to leave your comfort zone and embrace new opportunities.”
  • “Mondays are for fresh starts, second chances, and new beginnings.”
  • “Monday is a good day to have a great day.”
  • “Mondays are like a sunrise. They’re a reminder that every day is a new beginning.”
  • “Make Monday your Funday, and the rest of the week will fall into place.”
  • “Who needs a weekend to have fun? It’s Monday Funday!”
  • “Monday is a fresh start. It’s never too late to start over and try again.”
  • “Monday is the perfect day to start something new and make it happen.”
  • “Monday is a great day to work on your dreams.”
  • “Monday Funday: because life’s too short to not have fun on a Monday.”
  • “Monday, nothing a bit of coffee and sarcasm can’t fix.”
  • “Monday is just a reminder that the weekend has past and there are only a few more days before another weekend gets here.”
  • “If you’re not having fun on Monday, you’re doing it wrong. It’s Monday Funday!”
  • “Mondays are like a pot of coffee. They may be bitter, but they give you the energy you need to power through.”
  • “Mondays are like a sunrise. Embrace the new day and all its possibilities.”
  • “Mondays are like a book. You get to write a new chapter and make it a great one.”
  • “Mondays are like a second chance. Take advantage of it and make it count.”
  • “Monday: the day when you have to set your intentions for the week and go after them.”
  • “Who says Mondays can’t be fun? Make every Monday a Funday!”
  • “Monday Funday: the perfect excuse to let loose and have some fun.”
  • “Make every Monday a Funday and turn your week into a happy adventure!”
  • “Mondays are like a painter’s canvas. You get to paint your week with vibrant colors.”
  • “Mondays are like a recipe. You have all the ingredients you need to make it a great day.”
  • “Your Monday morning thoughts set the tone for your whole week. See yourself getting stronger, and living a fulfilling, happier & healthier life.” – Germany Kent
  • “Mondays are like a blank canvas. You get to decide how you want to paint your week.”
  • “Mondays are like a reset button. You get to start fresh and tackle the week with renewed energy.”
  • “On Mondays, I always begin my week with a cup of ambition.” – Dolly Parton

Conclusion Funny Monday Quotes to Kickstart the New Week With a Good Mood

Use these funny Monday quotes and sayings to make your Mondays more positive and fun. Monday is not going anywhere, so better make it worth it.

Choose every Monday a new quote to bring your through the day and boost your mood.

Have fun and enjoy your day, put your smile on and share it with friends.

Remember everything depends on you and your mindset.


The quotes credits belong to their authors.

Since the authors names were not found, they are unknown.

Let me know, if some of the quotes are yours and you want me to cite you.

Photo by Joe Caione on Unsplash

Assisted by AI

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I hope you enjoy these funny Monday quotes and sayings 🙂